Welcome to Kenna Coerper's Aplastic Anemia Page


January 2006 - present

see the beginning of her story from March 2004-Sept 2004

see the 2nd round of her story from Sept 2004 - April 2005

See her "waiting for a donor" story from April 2005 - August 2005

See her "transplant" story from August 2005 - December 2005

See her "post transplant updates" from January 2006 to present



A Christmas trip to San Diego!

January 2006

4 months post transplant

Kenna's Port-a-cath and brovias were removed in December, so she has to endured a mothly pokie to get her counts and she is still on just a couple of anti-biotic type medications...but all is looking up and she is grateful to be able to eat a regular diet and get out without a mask like a "normal" kid!

Monthly Counts
Date 01/20/06
WBC 4.7
RBC --
HGB 13.4
PLT 232
ANC --
Treatment/Meds IVIG given


Playtime with Daddy!


Carsyn and Kenna love to see Ama C when she visits from Arizona!

A long awaited trip to Disneyland

February 2006

5 months post transplant

Monthly Counts
Date 02/24/06
WBC 3.6
RBC 4.36
HGB 13.1
PLT 220
ANC --

Fun on the merry-go-round at Disneyland

Kenna bundles up to help Dad wash the car

Enjoying a milkshake!

March 2006

6 months post transplant

Monthly Counts
Date 03/28/06
WBC 3.6
RBC --
HGB 13.0
PLT 221
ANC --

Kenna, Carsyn and Taylor take a break from the Easter egg hunt!

Carsyn and Kenna enjoy the spring!

April/May 2006

7/8 months post transplant

Monthly Counts
Date 05/05/06
WBC 3.6
RBC --
HGB 14.0
PLT 196
ANC --

Adrienne and Chris enjoyed a night out in New York while visiting the National Stationery Show for their business.

Carsyn and Kenna are both LOVING swimming lessons...almost every day this summer!

June 2006

9 months post transplant

Kenna still has tubes in her ears so we had custom earplugs made so she can still swim and dunk her head under wanter - she is loving the pool...Carsyn has taken lessons the last 2 years, but this is Kennas first year swimming and she is quite the little fish! She and Carsyn can hardly wait for thier lessons...everyday this summer! Kenna has been taking ballet lessons at the community center and had a recital this month, she did great on stage in front of LOTS of parents (3 different classes at once)!

Monthly Counts
Date 06/28/06
WBC 4.5
RBC --
HGB 14
PLT 266
ANC 3006

Kenna was a "little mermaid" for her ballet recital

Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade!

A trip to Wild Rivers with the Make-A-Wish Foundation Picnic...Carsyn was in CO with Ama B.

July/August 2006

10/11 months post transplant

We enjoyed the 4th of july parade this year and even saw a nurse from Long Beach - Terry was always the best at accessing Kenna's port a cath during her months at Long beach...it was good to catch up!

Carsyn spent a week in Colorado with Ama B at camp and Chris, Adrienne and Kenna attended a Make-A-Wish foundation Picnic at Wild Rivers - Kenna had a blast on all the water slides!

Carsyn spent a week at Science Adventure Camp and bo th she and Carsyn got to do Vacation Bible School for a week....busy summer!

Monthly Counts
Date 08/04/06
WBC --
RBC --
HGB --
PLT --
ANC --
Treatment/Meds IVIG given

Kenna LOVED the water slides!

Kenna is still doing well! (updated 02/22/09)

See pictures of the rest of 2006 here especially our Make-A-Wish vacation


Fall 2007 - 2 years post transplant we finally got to find out who Kenn'a Bone marrow donor was!
An young (late 20's) man from Germany!
We have been keeping in contact with him and thank God everytday for his wonderful gift of life!





Contact us: Adrienne & Christopher Coerper